Making an Appointment

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Receptionist: Good morning. 17th Avenue Dental Clinic.

Ryan: Good morning. It's Ryan Jones calling. I would like to make an 1to see Dr. Wilson.

Receptionist: Let me see... He has an 2on September the third at 10 am.

Ryan: That's no good for me I have an important meeting that 3. Do you have anything else available?

Receptionist: How about the 4of the 5th at 3 o'clock.

Ryan: No that's no good either I have to pick my daughter up from school. Do you have any times in the 5?

Receptionist: Dr. Wilson only works in the evenings on Wednesdays and because evenings are a 6time they tend to fill up quickly but I 'll see what we have available........ the next time he has open is 7:30 on October 27.

Ryan: Wow ! that's a long way 7. It's only for as check up so I guess I can wait that long. I will take that time.

Receptionist: So your appointment will be at 7:30 PM on Wednesday October 27. If something 8and you can't make it make sure to call and 9. I will phone you the day before to 10you.

Ryan: Thank You. I will see you on the 27th. Good Bye

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